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Structual Steel Welding

weldo Metal inc

Our automated drive gates are designed for optimum security and reliability. They are professionally welded, moisture resistant, and made to stand the test of time. We can fabricate gates from any design and size that you require.

It Includes

  • Superior precise quality welds
  • Welds can be made with little or no filler
  • Precise control of welding variables
  • Free of spatter and sparks
  • Low Heat Distortion

Tig Welding

Providing full-service mobile welding to all of San Diego

Mig Welding

We bring everything needed, including a generator to power

Welding Products

Weldo Metal Fabrication

Presud Technology is a metal fabrication company supplying steel and stainless steel fabrication services throughout Europe. Our service is based on experience knowledge and reliability. Established in 1998, we are a family run business specialising in small/large metal work fabrications and automotive installation parts repairs.

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